Are you interested in serving as an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion at All Saints? Click here to sign up! Our next training is coming up soon!
The Role of Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
"When the Church’s needs require it... if sacred ministers are lacking, lay members of Christ’s faithful may supply for certain liturgical offices according to the norm of law. Such faithful are called and appointed to carry out certain functions, whether of greater or lesser weight, sustained by the Lord’s grace. Many of the lay Christian faithful have already contributed eagerly to this service and still do so, especially in missionary areas where the Church is still of small dimensions or is experiencing conditions of persecution but also in areas affected by a shortage of Priests and Deacons."
#147, Redemtionis Sacramentum
Resources For Those Who Serve in this Important Ministry at All Saints
Eucharistic Ministry at All Saints
How to Purify the Sacred Vessels